Saturday, June 22, 2013

Thoughts from the Ivory Tower...

In a city of overachievers and highly competitive persona's...something about me just wants to UNDER achieve to break the overall feeling of "its never enough, it will never be enough and theres always someone doing more than me".  I guess its that thing in me that just loves being counter cultural...however...I'm not so sure being "counter-cultural" is helping me achieve my overall personal goals and grasp onto the life I am created to live.

That being said...

I've been thinking a lot...or at least a little bit...about that verse, "where your treasure is, that is where your heart will be also".  And I began to think..."hmmm, where is my treasure?"  I know where my passion is...but recently I've been wondering...where is my treasure, because wherever that is...that is where my heart the question echos again, what do I treasure?  I mean...REALLY treasure?  You know what I thought of?  Family.  I treasure my Mom & Dad, my four brothers and two sisters and all of their precious little treasures, my nieces and nephews.  They are amazing.  My brothers and sisters, each of them hold such stunning qualities that I stand in wonder and amazement at...for real.  Its not just flattery...its real...they never cease to amaze me with their love and compassion and sweet and kind hearts.  They each have their own sense of wonder - I'm always amazed at their sacrifice and bravery as they forge into each new day...overcoming and taking down what otherwise would eat them for lunch!

So here's to THEM!  Having watched each of my parents, siblings and nieces and nephews display such bravery as they've weathered the storms life has brought them - and delighted in the gifts life keeps bringing's to lifelong - blood related family - you're all AMAZING and I love you with a love that runs deep and wide and has surpassed the tests of time!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Yeah, I've been listening to Bishop Garlington the past two days and I am getting so encouraged!  I'm getting so encouraged that I might actually start saying what it is I believe God is showing me about my next season! 

The Bishop was preaching at Bethel's Open Heaven's conference and my heart is so invigorated by his message of "you have need of endurance".  It has been reminding me of why I came up here to CCC and why I left DC...and in it all I am gaining back my confidence and courage to move forward, only this time I get to move forward with a FATHER!!!  Oh sheesh.  That is really hitting me!!!

Whoa...this hurricane has been soo good for me!  Although I am falling asleep right now!

Good night blog world.
...and by blog world I mean Michelle and Leah.  ha!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Blogging.  One happy thought for the night before I doze off.  The Lord told me a few days ago that He has in the past, and is going to again, move my "story" forward with the help of Pastor Dave.  I don't even know what that really means or what that looks like, but I am happy about that... 

Sunday, December 25, 2011

An Alsacian Christmas

Coming first blog in honor of my girls back in DC who are desperate to see me post SOMETIHNG!!!  For now...Merry Christmas World, and by "world" I mean Leah & Michelle, my two subscribers!!!